Question by apoablue: 10 facts about Alexandra Fyodorovna/Alix of Hesse (the last tsaritsa/empress of russia)?
10 facts please- or as many as you know or can find
also why wasn’t she a help to her husband? (Nicholas II the last tsar/czar/emperor of russia)
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Answer by Xamanator
She had state of the art dental work in porcelain and platinum.
She suffered from sciatica.
She drew a swastika as a good luck sign on the wall of the execution house in Yekaterinburg (though how do they know SHE did it?).
Not a help? Dunno, maybe he would have been even worse without her.
She was the main patron of Rasputin, ‘Our friend’.
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ccsmall1 says
1)She was the grand daughter of Queen Victoria, daughter of Victoria's daughter Princess Alice.
2) Her childhood nickname was Sunny
3)She turned down a proposal of marriage from Prince Albert Victor, George V's eldest son who died before he could become king, if she had accepted her life would have been very different, as would Russian history.
4)She carried haemophila a condition which she gave to her son Alexi.
5)She beleived in the divine right of kings, and hated the idea of democracy.
6)She was suspected of being a German spy during the war.
7)She was devoted to the monk Rasputin, and listened to every word he said as she beliverd he could cure their son of his haemophelia.
8)When she was executed the jewls which were sewn up in her clothes made her all the harder to kill as the bullets were deflected, it was the same for her daughters, and they were chased round the room being stabbed by bayonets.
9)She was offiallly made a saint with the rest of her family in the year 2000, by the Russian Orthodox Church.
10) Her sister Elizabeth was a nun.
She was no help to the Tsar because she advised him not to think logivcally, but to do whatever he pleased (or she pleased) purely because he is the Tsar and can do what he wants.