Question by nostrilburier: Wassily Kandinsky- what would be a good paper/essay title?
I am planning on doing my dissertation on Kandinsky, which is a 4000 word essay, has anyone got any good ideas for a title?
Any ideas appreciated! Nice one. George. x
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Answer by derfini
I always liked the fact that he listened to the old Russian fairy tales his grandmother told him. What about something to do with his different way of seeing things: Abstract Tales, A Different View, A Colourful Story, World of Imagination. Just a few off the top of my head.
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adriannasullivan says
The paper I wrote about him was titled "Silly Wassily : Abstract Artist"
My teacher commented that my title was "creative."
You may use it if you'd like. 🙂
BeeezKneeez says
Kandinsky was the first to paint an abstract picture. He was the first to realize you didn't need a subject to make art; that the paint itself could be the subject.
How about "Losing the Subject"
or "Getting Away from the Figure"
or "Seeing the Beauty in the Paint" ?