Question by runningwithscalpels: Aside from sour cream, what is good as a topping for pierogi?
I’m making some later and I forgot to get sour cream while I was out at the store. What are some of your suggestions to top pierogis with?
Answers and Views:
Answer by suzann
… jelly or jam …
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allexgirl says
Marinara sauce or Alfredo sauce with a little parmesan or your choice of cheese.
Emily says
Caramelized onions!!
chefgrille says
It's not traditional, but personally I like tossing them with pesto.
Miz Lamb says
cream gravy or Bearnaise sauce
Melanie B says
Onions and bacon
Butterfly2Kiss says
alfredo sauce
Kevin says
Ketchup is what I have started using ever since I had changed my eating habits. You could also try topping them with bacon or some melted cheese, or a gravy of some sort, or even a butter sauce.
Perogies are so yummy.
Ben Dover says
Fluffer Nutter.