Question by goatman: Can anyone give me a sample of a possible menu a russian family might follow?
And these questions All abot russian food:
What are distinct characteristics of their food?
How do foods and meals differ from ours (American)?
How do the people obtain nutrients?
How have the land and climate influenced the people, and there food and customs?
What role has history or religion played on food preferences?
How has Russian food influenced our (American) food?
Answers and Views:
Answer by nylife4ever
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
phonydem says
they go to McRuskies and order Big Lenins and Potatoeskis to go…
Elizabeth F says
* for breakfast they would probably have kasha (a type of oatmeal) with butter oozing in the crevices, tea, yogurt, a cirok (think a crustless cheesecake enrobed in chocolate), maybe some buterbrat (Italian bread smothered in butter topped with grated cheese and scallions or garlic or kielbasa), for lunch (main meal) soup (maybe borscht, or shi) a main course (likely potatoes, meat patties and salad…by which I mean some grated vegetables hidden under a bunch of mayo and sour cream…), dinners are simple, maybe just soup, dessert might be a priyaniki (honey biscuit) or a slice of cake (never as moist as the american type) or a slice of pie.
*Their food is typically laden in carbs and meat because of the difficulty in farming in harsh conditions. DOn't get me wrong, fruits and vegetables are available… but they don't tend to eat them as we do, I don't think. Their food is rich, has a lot of salt, heavy on butter and oil. They don't shy away from eating serious meat: lamb, beef, tongue.. they rarely eat turkey, for example. Oh and they love mushrooms, it's a pasttime to go picking them in the countryside.
*Differences: they don't have brown sugar so their chocolate chip cookies are awful!, no peanut butter (they use nutella), they have crepe stands like we have hotdogs stands in the city… although they have hot dog stands too, they eat a lot of processed meats, they drink more tea than coffee, I would say, and milk in tea is somewhat of an American thing, not very Russian, they use sugar instead, and make REALLY strong tea. They don't have boxed macaroni and cheese, you know, I don't think they have a lot of those half-way there meals in general… and their food is not as preservative laden as ours is
*I have no idea… because they do not eat healthily… maybe they pop a vitamin, you got me. Although I suppose they get a lot of nutrients from all the soup they eat, and grecha, or buckwheat, which as a whole grain is quite nutritious.
* Well, it's a vast country, so cuisine varies by where you are… IN european Russia it's rather cold, I think in the colder sections of RUssia you see a lot of meat and carbs, whereas the south, you get more of the Georgian, Asian influences with more rice and lavash (flatbread) more fruits, fresh farmers cheese, etc.
* There aren't really religious ties into the food, most of the country isn't too religious, if they are Orthodox then during their Post they have a strict no meat no dairy type thing going on, obviously the Russian Jews stick to kosher habits, and the Muslims don't eat pork or shellfish, but there isn't much pork in general there… I never saw bacon or ham… only sausages. History is a whole nother matter. With the Mongolian conquest early on, that introduced Asian inspired cuisine, but also to consider is things like the Blockade of Leningrad during WOrld War II, the city starved to death. Russia is hard, it's cold in the north. RUssia is huge and has had two revolutions. Russian people have suffered a lot in their history, and starvation has occurred numerous times. Consequently, now there is always an abundance of food at celebrations, they always feed guests, etc.
*The influx of immigrants to New York Chicago and Cali brought some russian dishes, but you know, Russian food isn't prevalent like European food is here. I mean, maybe caviar, Beef Stroganoff, borscht, but that's probably the extent of it.
If you need recipes, I'd say go with googling it. Although there's the Russian Heritage Cookbook that you can buy through amazon or whatever…