Question by ejonsie23: How do I get around a welded tip on my AK47?
I got a romanian WASR10 and was looking to get a flash suppressor and the the tip is welded on. Would I have to break the weld to get a suppressor on here or is there another way? THanks.
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Answer by brutal.conversions
You need to contact NRA, or Gun Owners of America, or a lawyer if you want to take that off. I don’t care what you do with your guns as long as it doesn’t affect me, but that is tack-welded on there to be in compliance with some federal or state laws or import laws.
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buenosairesc says
Wheather or not you MAY do it depends on the state you live in. Presuming that you may after checking with the police, I would take the barrel to a competent machine shop, and have them turn the barrel, removing the weld and then threading it to accept accessories. If it isn't threaded already. Make sure to find out what thread type you need to put on and then specify that. They will need to do what is called 'single point threading.' The machine shop will know what that means.
"Flash Suppressors" and "Suppressors" are not the same thing. Flash Suppressors hide the muzzle flash associated with shooting at night, and can at times reduce muzzle climb or recoil. Suppressors (aka silencers) quite the sound of the gun.
Whether or not you may own either of these is again subject to your local laws. Check before you do anything, most states with such prohibitions will charge you with a felony for violating firearm law.