Question by Matt: What is the “1812 Overature” by Peter Tchaikovsky about?
I know it is about a certain “theme” celebrating a time in Russia, but I can’t figure out if it’s about the victory over something, or independence. All I know is that the time in Russia was good.
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Answer by Deep Man
No dummy, its about the battle of 1812. The full name of the song is the battle of 1812
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Shirley T says
It is not about the American War of 1812.
It iis about Napoleon's invasion of Russia and the Tsar's troups driving Napoleon's army out.
brainstorm says
It was to celebrate the defeat of Napoleon after his invasion and retreat from Russia.
Erik Van Thienen says
The unsuccesful invasion of Russia by Napoleon and the Battle of Borodino on 1812-09-07.
Somebody says
the song is actually a love story and the end with all the cannon fire is the battle