Question by : Am i allowed to walk with a fully automatic AK47 on the street?
Its gun rights i mean, i should have the right to bear firearms in a free country because i dont feel safe. Can i walk into hospitals, bars, churches and govt buildings with it? Its for my safety, its a matter of freedom.
Answers and Views:
Answer by B X
in some states where its legal like arizona
Read all the answers in the comments.
What do you think?
Christopher H says
No right including free speech or the right to bear arms is absolute. Most gun enthusiast acknowledge this, even the NRA does. There are limitations.
First off a fully automatic weapon must have been manufactured before 1968 before it can be transferred so I really doubt that you have or can get a fully automatic AK47 in a legal fashion. Second there are certain property rights that have to be respected and third the federal government and state governments can and do place some limitations on the where you can and cannot carry any kind of firearm.
But I think that you are merely attempting to ridicule gun owners. This simple minded attempt won’t work. First of all there are very few full auto weapons legally on the market and few buyers. They are very expensive to own, a hassle for the paperwork and they expensive to feed. Oh they are fun to shoot but simply not worth the cost. I think most gun owners would agree with me. Trying to make it look like 2nd Amendment supporters all want to run around with full auto weapons is disingenuous at the least, a lie at the worse.
You are not subtle or clever here, just silly.
The Resistance says
different laws apply to carrying and transporting of Class III firearms. some states it’s against the law to own fully automatic weapons, or even AK style rifles.
if it were a semi-automatic, legally you could carry it strapped on your shoulder as long as your state laws allow it. the minute you aimed it at someone or something, it would be brandishing and when not in an act of self defense, that’s against the law. also, how many people do you think would call the cops because they don’t know the law? then you get a ticket for disturbing the peace. such is the problem with the carrying of openly displayed handguns.
should you be allowed to? definitely. anybody who can legally buy one should be allowed to carry it with them. why? it’s the second amendment. is it a good idea? well that depends where you live. in some places there are ignorant anti-gun people who will call the cops regardless of whether or not they know the law and YOU will receive the ticket. if you choose to do this, do it in a place that is more friendly and accepting of firearms ownership and the public display of it. i carry a concealed handgun. i have no need yet to carry a rifle everywhere.
as for going into bars, you can in some states as long as you have an absolute sobriety. other places usually let you as long as the property owner okays it. government buildings most of the time you can except courthouses and police stations. -this applies to handguns -rifles are a different story
Blueberrygal says
Yikes! I hope our country hasn’t been reduced to street warfare. I hope not. I wouldn’t think that would
be legal. Call the police dept or online for gun laws for your state. Let us know-I’ll won’t move there if its legal.
Texas Cowgirl says
If the state allows it, yes. Otherwise, hell no!
Hey, and who you calling “backwards???”
Use facts not spin says
An AK47 is defined as a military grade assault rifle which fires multiple rounds with a single pull of the trigger. Your individual private sector rights is not constitutionally protected to bear arms with an AK.
It’s like saying you driving down the freeway in an M1A1 Abrams is acceptable because you have a valid drivers license.
Fizzy Bubbler Can't Be Stopped! says
People who feel the need to carry a gun with them everywhere due to the threat of violence are by definition – cowards.
Use facts not spin: US Supreme Court decides what weapons you can have, not the US Constitution.
sound_of_the_silenced3 says
You wouldnt even know how to shoot an AK……………quit bullshyting.
I am high on acid. says
Maybe in a bass ackwards state like Texas.
Nightwind says
If your in the Congo or part of the death squads in Sierra Leon………sure.
Jungle Alien says
Unless you’re carrying something American made, you can expect trouble in my town.
mbcorson2000 says
thats just ridiculous. you should be able to have it in your home though.