Question by Roland’sMommy: Pierogi filling ideas?
I’m looking for some unique/ gourmet pierogi filling flavors.
Any suggestions?
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Answer by Simonsays
Hot spicy sausage with a strong cheese!
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The Unknown Chef says
I have had one with a braised cabbage, ground kielbasa and wild mushroom filling, fruits are nice, this may sound gross but I have also had some with sauerkraut, tongue and headcheese in them, the serve them with a vinegar based onion sauce.
Chef Carroll says
At this time of year, a pumpkin pie filling would be most appropriate. Just fry in a light tasting olive oil and roll in brown sugar as soon as they come out of fryer or skillet; an impressive dessert bobble, w/ a tiny dollop of whipped cream. Or a cream cheese & goat cheese mixture w/ fresh herbs, spinach, minced shallots, and tiny slivers of carrots. Fry as above.
Maureen M says
How about a potato/butternut squash filling? Mushroom/spinach with caramelized onions? Potato/leek? Cheddar/bacon and potato?
rhonda says
sourkraut and sausage, potato and bacon, my daughter says pepperoni and cheese, lol, yeah, sweet potatos and um, i dont know but sweet potatos sound really good!
Heart Cooks Brain says
how bout sweet potato and goat cheese? or a curry filling?
You could also go sweet with a blueberry filling with whipped cream instead of sour cream.
clontarf1002 says
Barking B says
We usually go with the standard Potato and Cheese or Cabbage. However a few times we've tried spicy ground porkbeef or pehaps apricot or blueberry