Question by Cat: Anyone here know Russian, and would be willing to help me out?
I’m planning on starting school next fall to take Russian. However, I’m very interested in getting a jump-start on the class, and I’d like to know if there’s anyone here willing to correspond with me. I’d like to learn some basic things, like what the Cyrillic alphabet is, and how the letters are pronounced. I do have access to voice chat via Yahoo! IM, and I’m willing and eager to communicate that way.
Thanks tons.
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Answer by gabriel G
Russian is my favorite language, it is real beautiful language, their music is good. I am Armenian, which is reallll close to Russian, my parents and grandparents infact know Russian because they were taught it school. I have ALWAYS wanted to learn the language. It is my #1 goal it learn. I have stopped learning it because of personal reason. BUt before i stopped i did learn how to pronounce and write the alphabet. I do have AIM but i do not have a webcam nor mic. but i can assist you with the alphabet which is the only thing i know. i am planning to get back to learning.
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gRAVEoNE says
Sure. I am Russian Finnish, originally, and speak both fluently. There are resources on the web that will let you do that as well.