Question by : Anyone know much about Pudovkin and Eisenstein?
I just have to know how they might have been influenced by DW Griffith. I am just starting to watch some of their films but I’m not sure what the influences might have been. I just know that Griffith’s contributions to film include introducing close ups, panning, moving camera shots, flashbacks and narrative film. Besides using these, is there anything else? If anyone could help I’d really appreciate it!
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Answer by adam
pudovkin? we Ayee me n ‘puddaz’ go back years man funny story Actualy one day me n mad puddaz oot on the drink n we met this young lad called sarcasm ………
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Thomas says
Soviet filmmakers were influenced by Griffith in the sense that all narrative filmmakers are influenced by him; the important distinction is where the Soviet school differs from Griffith. Griffith pioneered continuity editing, whereas the Soviets utilized montage editing, where spatial relations and continuity were ignored while the emotional impact of the cut was emphasized. Eisenstein believed the cut was more important than the image, and that the cut between two images said more than any one image ever could.