Question by Norteamericano H: Are Leni Riefenstahl and Sergei Eisenstein both totalitarian collaborators?
Some people try to draw distinctions between them. But other people believe that both of them served totalitarian regimes – the Nazi regime in the case of Leni Riefenstahl and the Stalinist Communism in the case of sergei Eisenstein. What do YOU think?
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Answer by perseus
Well Leni Riefenstahl was a fine film maker.When Hitler came to power she believed in national socialism.In 1934 the nazi party got her to make a documentary of thier Nuremburg rally in 1934.She named this documentary “Triumph of the Will” She continued right to the end to make films that were just of every day life and dreams.She made no more propaganda films for the party after 1934.Hitler was an elected leader and in 1934 had only been in power one year Germany in 1934 was not a totalitarian state
Sergei Eisenstein was a commited communist.Stalin used him and others to paint a rosy picture of the USSR.That was normal in a totalitarian state.Not much anyone cold do to refuse to participate in state doctrine
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