Question by Jeremy: Are Russians peace keepers or trouble makers?
I personally have nothing against russians…
Answers and Views:
Answer by Alvin Colmes
I suppose as with most issues the situation dictates……LOL!
Answer by The Cossack
As it pertains to the U.S. and the EU, they are an obstacle to western global domination.
My hatred of globalism causes me to think fondly of the Russians and the role they play on the world stage.
Answer by towwwdothello
It’s not my place to judge the russians, but they seem to be ahead in the human rights effort at this point especially considering the absence of the topic in the USA’s public arena. Have to give credit where it is due–cannot keep ignoring important issues expecting them to go away.
A request for an extradition may take years, concerning Snowden, but human rights standards are actually the primary component to any such request.
Answer by RayHere
There must be a reason there are many memorials to President Reagan in Poland one was recently vandalized by British punks it was one of the more popular ones people would bring and set flowers at it base each day
You see the Poles credit President Reagan for defeating the old USSR in the cold war liberating them from Russian dominance and those memorials are hard to explain for anti Americans
Answer by Joshua
Vodka drinkers. Fact
Answer by Edgar
Yo, bro’, your putting ‘Russians’ and ‘peace keepers’ in the same sentence is the best one all day, bar none – way to GO, bro’!
Answer by Nunchuks
Russians restored Peace many times.
In 1710 the Russians defeated a SuperPower Sweden (Charles 12th) and ended the War.
In 1812 the Russians defeated Napoleon restoring peace.
In 1944 Russians/Soviets defeated Hitler ending the WW2 in Europe. And then choosing to help Americans fight Japan in 1945 – although they didn’t need much help due to Atomic Bombs. However Russians still removed a lot of Japanese in Western Asia.
And let me tell you, if Soviet Union didn’t steal the instructions for productions of Atomic Bomb, Americans might have had some bad ideas of how to use those things.
Russians are real Peace Keepers.
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