Question by The Fed Up Matthew™: How are followers of Trotsky any different from a terrorist group?
They advocate a permanent revolution in every country in order for their system to succeed and their system would abolish private property rights.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Chartic
Because they are trying to help the people from being kept down by the rich. Yes that very much sounds like some kind of evil organization doesn’t it, helping the poor and downtrodden so that they can regain the country that should rightfully be theirs.
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What do you think?
Paul Grass™ says
In my opinion they are not, to me its like saying I like Sponge bob Square Pants, over You like MIckey Mouse, both are cartoons.
Penfold wery scarewy says
Your question makes some basic assumptions that have no basis in fact, only in American propoganda which admits no possible system of government other than US capitalism.
God's Army says
to be terrorist they actually have to commit acts of terrorism, like murdering people, bombing things etc
they are extremists though.
Out of Sight Out of says
They're just a political party like any other. Property rights would only be abolished if it was the will of the people. Imagine the majority of the working class taking back what is rightfully theirs, what was made by their labor, their blood, sweat, and tears. Is that so bad?
Andy says
That's kind of a stretch, but what's scary is that Trotskyists are usually some of the least violent communists.