Question by devushka: Are there any high schools in Sochi Russia?
I may go as a foreign exchange student… Do you know of any high schools? My sister lives in Sochi, Russia and works at a high class hotel (she’s pure Russian, she speaks it will)
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Answer by STST
Russians go straight from 8th grade to college, so there are no high schools anywhere in Russia.
Just hang at the hotel with your sister.
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Edward N. says
There are close to 70 schools in Sochi. Schools are regional, therefore you attend a school based on wherever you live, unless you decide to attend private school outside of the district.
In Russia education is 11 years, hence 11 grades. A student would attend the same school throughout 11 years. The grades are separated similarly to that of US (Elementary, Middle, Junior High, High).
After 9th grade, a student can choose to stop going to school and start a professional institute similar to Vocational Technical School. If you complete 11 grades than you can apply to attend University.