Question by Dr Fluffy: Are there any really good modern Russian writers who you can recommend?
My fav authors are Chekhov, Gogol and Turgenov so I would really like to try some good modern Russian translated authors. Any ideas?
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Answer by walter
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Ellen says
Boris Akunin
Tatyana Tolstaya
Praxis says
The most famous Russian authors of the 20th century are probably
~Solzhenitsyn (the First Circle, and the novella One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich)
~Bulgakov (the Master and Margarita)
~Pasternak (Doctor Zhivago)
Then, there's also more contemporary writers like
~Andrei Platonov (the foundation pit)
~Andrei Kurkov (Death and the Penguin) – comic writer
~Sergei Dovlatov (The compromise) – also comic
~Michail Sholokhov (And quiet flows the Don)
for more experimental writers:
~Tatiana Tolstaya (The Slynx)
~Viktor Pelevin (Omon Ra, The Clay Machine Gun)
~Vladimir Sorokin (Ice)
If you are interested in poetry, then try and have a look at Anna Akhmatova, Marina Tsvetaeva, Valery Bryusov, Alexander Blok, Pasternak, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Dmitry Prigov.
One outstanding writer imo, who is Russian but writes in French, and mainly about Russia, Andrei Makine – Dreams of my Russian summers, The woman who waited, …
I'm sure I left out a lot of good writers, but these are all the ones I could think of tonight!
Happy reading!
[email protected] says
I like Sergei Lukyanenko, author of the Night Watch series (vampires). Also, Boris Akunin, author of historical mysteries.
Toby_luva97 says
I can give you an Italian one: Christopher Paolini (I think he's Italian)