Question by faysal562003: Do you think these Russian jokes are funny?
Stalin’s ghost appears to Putin in a dream, and Putin asks for his help running the country. Stalin says, “Round up and shoot all the democrats, and then paint the inside of the Kremlin blue.” “Why blue?” Putin asks. “Ha!” says Stalin. “I knew you wouldn’t ask me about the first part.
Putin and Bush are fishing on the Volga River. After half an hour Bush complains, “Vladimir, I’m getting bitten like crazy by mosquitoes, but I haven’t seen a single one bothering you.” Putin: “They know better than that.”
Putin goes to a restaurant with Medvedev and orders a steak. The waiter asks, “And what about the vegetable?” Putin answers, “The vegetable will have steak too.
no racism intended just a couple of jokes sorry if i offend anyone
Answers and Views:
Answer by Everything tastes like chicken!
those are so cute. i like them
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What do you think?
cats says
Silly but funny! 100!
iloveLoganLerman< says
those aren't funny they are racist and i hate racisim >:O
people who look down on others just because they are a different race are lame
MNL_1221 says
1st joke: LOL!
2nd joke: I said "ooooooo….."
3rd joke: I gasped.
Consensus: yes, they are funny!
Slartibartfast says
No such thing as a funny Russian joke.
I've never seen such a miserable bunch – and I should know – my son married one!