Question by ChillChillin: Does the bad health conditions in Russia hurt their goal of democracy?
I am doing an essay about issues impeeding Russian democracy and a lot of the choices are already chosen so I am left with a bottom of the barrel topic. I have read numerous articles about infant mortality, early mortality for men, and other issues with healthcare that hurt Russian power abroad as well as domestically. Could you say the lackluster healthcare and poor health of the Russian people is hurting Russia’s goal of achieving democracy?
The topic of our essay is: “things hindering Russian’s democratic progress.” Most the people have topics like KGB, Stalinist legacy, and popular topics like that and I am stuck trying to find a topic to write on.
Answers and Views:
Answer by doglover
There is one major reason why Russia will not achieve democracy and it is Putin. Remember he is an ex KGB member and a killer who hates the USA.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
wild-man of Borneo says
Look in the real world.
Decode this lyrics " Which way the wind blow"
With high crude prices.
Flush with cash.
At loss and mulling what to do with it. in time.
Go this way wrong .
Go that way is wrong too.
Really lost out there in time.
Having come out from the twilight zone.
Luke 9.25,55-56,60
What do you think?
angryman1n says
Wow! An intelligent question. I'm no Russian expert, but I'd agree w/ that. Especially, infant mortality. No one wants to watch their children die when something can be done about it.
It all ties back into the financial collapse though. Money needs to flow to provide research funding, education, and improvements. Sure, a communist government can force money in that direction. However, we do that in America too. Any government can choose to fund programs in what ever areas they feel best fit the needs.
Now, the emotional aspect is important too. Many Russians grew up under the Iron Curtain. They hear stories from their grandparents who probably look back favorably compared to today. So the younger generations will adopt the same beliefs.
I doubt health care is the major driving force, but it certainly isn't helping the capitalist cause.
Good question. I look forward to seeing other posts.
Adam B says
Russia doesn't seem to want democracy. They briefly had free elections and they used the opportunity to vote in an autocrat.
President Obama says
I don't see any correlation between bad healthcare and forming a democracy. Whoever framed this question set you up. Who said Russia has a goal of achieving democracy? Russia defines democracy a lot different than Americans do.
originofrights says
Why would anybody want a democracy? We need to defend our libert minded constitutional democratic-republic.
James O says
I'm more in the camp that their fascist leaders, and fixed elections are putting a cramp in their "democracy".