Question by pczhoucotdt: Can US fight a nuclear war with China or Russia?
Russia has the Bulava missile with a range of 10000 km while China has the DF-31A with a range of 11,2000 cand DF-5 range of 13000 km. Russia has many submarine based nuclear missiles while China has the JL-2 sub based missile with a range of 8000 km.
Answers and Views:
Answer by tif49
Yes but not with both together.
So unite Russia and China
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
lordangelic says
the funny thing is that when people talk about war with China, they keep saying lame and unrealistic stuffs like "if it doesnt goes to nuclear warfare, we can stand a chance." But that's not realistic, an all-out warfare will most definitely end up in nuclear war, which means bye bye to humanity or rather 99% of the human race.
Rich says
If anyone launch a nuclear weapon, the rest of the world will soon follow…… which mean end of human kind.
the random guy says
Yes, but it can potentially destroy the world.
Melanie M says
no…. every single person in thw world would die….
Corvato says
US has missiles with undisclosed ranges, and even though we don't admit it, likely sattleite nukes.
US has a missle defence system that is unparalleled, so even though we might get hit, i would guess the majority of the strikes against the US and our allies would be shot down… china and russa have a very minimal defence system, so i don't think they would take the chance, let alone win.
Wounded Duck says
Yes, but no one would win!
Philip McCrevice says
Yes, we can.
But a nuclear war with either or both against us would wipe civilization off of the Earth.
See, that's why nukes in the hands of rational people is workable. China, Russia, and the US understand the implications of such a war.
Nukes in the hands of the Iranian nutjob leaders will only mean trouble.
Jeff Smoker says
Nobody wins a nuclear war.