Question by rockybouldersmith: What are the chances in Russian Roulette?
What are the chances of a person winning or losing? Is there any scientific test on this? I mean, there should be because they do tests on every other stupid thing why not Russian Roulette? Could someone please give me a percentage out of 100% on winning or losing this game. The gun has one bullet with a capacity of six.
Answers and Views:
Answer by internetpendejo
just divide one by six and there you go
i played it once and shot myself in the foot
russkies are awesome
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avery says
It is actually about 1/7, accordiong to a test i have done out of 100…..
i just spun and looked where the blank was lol… didnt wanna look in the barrell at a real one.
i think its cause the weight of the bullett pulls it down, but the barrell spins one way… so it can ""fall" o the bottom.
GAMER says
Too high to ever do such a dumb thing with a firearm. Napoleon used to have his prisoners play that game and if they didn't die he released them because he couldn't feed them. Just a random fact :o)
Player says
5:1 or 1 in 6 or 16.6% chance of being shot and 83.3% chance of not being shot.
sandynlily says
Well, while some people say one in six, i feel that you should also consider, every other aspect that would cause you to live or die in the particular moment to get the true odds of the game.
For instance, the bullet may be struck by the hammer of the revolver, but not fire.
I propose the odds are (1-( (5/6) + (1/6*probibility of misfire) ) )X100=% chance of diing while playing russian roullette.
In addition you could consider, the chance of survival with a bullet wound to the head, people do survive this once in a while. The human body can be very resiliant
giggitygiggitygoo says
you got a 1 in six chance of blowing you head off.