Question by radamidov: What is the name of a cold russian soup made from bitter or sour leaves?
My russian grandmother used to make a soup pronounced “Cheveyal” or “Shevel”. It was made from these green leaves that were sour/bitter. I want to know what these leaves/plant are. I thought it was Sorrel but its not. Any ideas. Its a very popular village soup that russians and ukranians make?
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Answer by _maldita_
sorrel is an herb. try wiki’s here they do have some list of soup cold or hot from russia
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Olga H says
Russian щавель (schavel') is sorrel 🙂 You can look in a Russian-English dictionary.
Spring sorrel soup
Sorrel soup
Frances Malkowicz's Polish Sorrel Soup
Some Russian recipes
chaserchuk says
The name of the soup you are looking for is okroshka. One of the herbs used is chervil. It is made with sour milk.