Question by gaswerx: Cost of living in Russia. How much would an average apartment cost?
Just wondering how it would be to emigrate to Russia. Went there once but did not shop around to catch the price of apartments or food.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Vernon Dozier: Redux
There’s a huge difference in cost of living between downtown Moscow and the outback of Siberia. Start with a town, city, or region and then go from there.
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Squeaky P says
This reminds me of when I was in Moscow and someone asked me "how much do houses cost in America?" Hmm… its a bit too vague of a question to give an absolute answer to.
Dmitry says
For example:
Rent a 1-room flat in Moscow cost 20 000-25 000 rub. in Voronezh – 5 000 – 7 000.
Feel the difference.