Question by Bobby: Could decedents of the Romanov family ever come back into power?
I`m just wondering, and would it mater if they were distant (prince William) or direct ( I know she never escaped, but just for the sake of it, the great great grandchildren of Anastasia) I was just reading up on it, and i wondered
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Answer by Juanaquena
A question similar to yours was asked and answered in the History section of Arts & Humanities about 8 months ago.
Here’s that link:;_ylt=AoMOxfiSxw315kihBOY2LEkjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20100430134048AARXQSf
Your question was posted in the Genealogy section of Arts & Humanities, which is why I’ve referred you to the question/answer in History. Those who study genealogy (the study of one’s family tree/family history) seriously try not to get involved in “what if” type questions, even tho’ the discussions they start can be enjoyable and educational.
Here’s a link to a 1997 Washington Post (a well-respected US newspaper) article speculating on the question you asked:
If the information in the links I’ve provided you don’t “really do it,” and if no one else responding here gives you satisfactory opinions and information, you may find better responses if you re-post your question in History.
Best wishes
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