Question by Joseph B: Is there any way that someone could become another tzar of Russia? If so who.?
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Answer by zizenzseo
Yes unless the Russian people vote to restore the Monarchy. The pretender to the Russian throne lives in Spain. Grand Duchesses Olga she been voted the pretender to the Russian throne by the exiles junior members of the Russsian family
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Mark M says
It would have to be voted upon by the citizens of Russia. It is highly unlikely that Russia would want to return to a monarchy system; especially now that democracy has been established after the fall of the Soviet Regime.
As far as succession is concerned, since Russia was a patriarchal society, the Russian throne was attainable only by descension through the male or paternal lines. Children descended through maternal lines, such as the children of the Tsar's sisters, for example, were exempt from attaining the throne, unless there were no male heirs descended from the male lines. Likewise, had the daughters of Tsar Nicholas II lived, none of their children would have been eligible to attain the throne under the Imperial succession laws of Russia that were in place at that thime. Since Tsar Nicholas II abdicated for both himself and for his son, the Czarevitch Alexei, in favor of his younger brother, the Grand Duke Michael, there were no male heirs to Nicholas II's line after his and his family's murder. Grand Duke Michael, Nicholas' brother whose ascension to the throne was refuted within 24 hours of the Tsar's abdication, was murdered before the Tsar and although he did have a son, the legitimacy of the son would have been questioned. Hence, succession of the Romanoff dynasty reverted to the male relatives of Nicholas II's father, Tsar Alexander III, through his brothers, the uncles of Tsar Nicholas II.
According to some, the titular head of the Romanoff family is Prince Nicholas Romanoff, who, if he were to attain the throne, would reign as Tsar Nicholas III. But it's all very confusing and convoluted on that point, depending upon whether or not an heir would be considered a true dynast. To others, the titular head of the Romanoff dynasty is Grand Duchess Maria Wladimirova, who was designated a Guardian of the Throne in 1970 by her father; and whose only son, George, would then attain the throne as Tsar; thereby refuting the prohibition of maternal descendents to the throne.
slayer1026612 says
yes it is. And it is spelkled Czar F.Y.I.
PUtuba7 says
Yes. If Grand Duchess Anastasia of Russia was discovered or her descendants and the people of Russia reinstated the monarchy.