Q: What is the word Dasvidaniya meaning?
If a Russian girl utters Dasvidaniya, what is she saying?
Photo Credit: dmsumon/Flickr
Answers and Views:
Answer by sophie
she means goodbye
Answer by Rashmi S
She means to say ‘Until we meet again’
Answer by KevinP.
dasvidaniya = this is to say to the other person. for the short period of time my own person will not
be here with you. the “Until we meet again”, it is to say to the other person. “it is my own intention to come back (here) to see more of you. to exchange more thinking. to exchange more thoughts intellectual withe you. yes.”
Rashmi S. also perhaps. this is the expression that suggests the speaker’s appreciation about to have these conversations and communion with the person to whom the “Until we meet again,” is expressed in the words spoken. yes.
Answer by Fred B.
There are a lot of other Russian words and expressions that she could use to say goodbye. For example, she could say:
– “Poka” or “Paka” meaning “bye”
– “Do skorava” which means “see you soon”
– “Vsevo harosheva” which stands for “all the best”
– “Uvidimsya pozzhe” which means “see you later”
“Dasvidanya” is the most neutral of them all.
Answer by Theo
If she didn’t want to see you no more she could use the Russian word “Proshchai”.
There’s a wonderful short poem by Russian modernist poet Anna Akhmatova “We Don’t Know How To Say Goodbye”.
We don’t know how to say goodbye.
We wander all over, shoulder to shoulder.
It is already starting to get dark,
You’re thoughtful, and I remain quiet.
Let’s go inside a church, and watch
A baptism, a wedding, a funeral.
Why can’t we live like that?
Let’s leave, not looking at each other.
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KevinP. says
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Rashmi S says
He means to say 'Until we meet again'