Question by Tim: Did Lenin ever thought of building USSR based on sole dictatorship?
And what was Lenin’s designation in the party after October Revolution?
How did Lenin’s concept of Russia federation differ from the final implementation of USSR by Stalin?
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Answer by skmirchev
yes of course he was one of most nasty persons ever lived
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gentleroger says
I think Lenin was committed to democratic ideals. While I don't think he would have given up power (had he lived), he wouldn't have created the same totalitarian command structure that Stalin did. Rather it would have been rule by committee.
Lenin was a mix of philosopher and engineer. He had a vision of the society that he wanted to build in Russia and the world, but recognized that compromise was necessary to move towards his goal. Many of the other revolutionaries (like Trotsky) were firmly entrenched in the philosophy of Marxism, socialism, communism, etc that they were unable to adjust to the practical demands of the situation (like the 1921 famine, land redistribution, etc). Stalin on the other hand was a nuts and bolts guy. His focus was on building a nation that could rival the world. Lenin was focusing more on social constructs and issues of wealth and class, looking to build an agrarian society, while Stalin in a way continued the unjust class system of the Czars as he built Soviet heavy (doing what took G.B. and the USA over 50 years in under 15 years).
Ross says
Lenin didnt really live long enough for us to know whether he was simply paying lip service to the Bolshevik ideals; my personal opinion is that, to Lenin, the dictatorship of the Proletariat= Lenin, for life.