Question by AL: Did Lev Tolstoy call his work “War and peace” or “War and the world”?
I heared that he means the role of the war in our world, so he called “War and the world”. But it was translated not right.
Answers and Views:
Answer by cheeseyfudge
I call it “Bloody Big Book!”
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gamepro51 says
War and peace The book has very little to do with the world. The book deal with Russian society during the Napoleonic Era.
shizzledizzle556 says
It was "War and Peace" but he had originally cosidered titling it "War: What is it Good For?". It was in fact his mistress who insisted that he change the name. . .
old lady says
Leo Tolstoy wrote "War and Peace". Have you read it?
Arbiter says
Tolstoy's book was always meant to be called War and Peace, the confusion comes from the fact the Russian words for 'peace' and 'world' are spelled and pronounced the same. Running both words through AltaVista's Babel fish gives back 'MNP'…which apparently is pronounced 'Mir', like the space station.
horserider65 says
i think it was war and peace.
Gail M says
War And Peace was the name of Lev Tolstoy's book.
Hanan says
War and Peace
jared g says
leo tolstoy: war and peace. also, try any of feodeor doestoyevsky's books. crime and punishment, and the idiot are quite interesting.
nikki_dad says
War and Peace
Alltel Racing says
It was originally giong to be called "War: What is it Good For" but it was his wife who made him change it to "War and Peace"
deenice10031030 says
War and Peace
Moon Maiden says
Tolstoy wrote "War and Peace." H.G. Wells wrote "War of the Worlds."