Question by Tim: Did Stalin has a genuine love for Lenin or its part of propaganda?
Did the Russians embalmed Stalin too after his death?
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Answer by Joseph
Stalin loved no one, particularly not Lenin. Embalming Lenin does not show love its a custom. I think Stalin was also embalmed.
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shakespearesghost says
Stalin was perhaps incapable of loving anyone. Lenin nevertheless held an enormous influence over him. Lenin, toward the end of his life, wrote Stalin a letter denouncing him for betraying the party's interests. Stalin kept the letter in his desk for the rest of his (Stalin's) life.
Ross says
Stalin was in fact embalmed as well, and was on display in much the same way that Lenin was after his death. Once Krushchev denounced Stalin in the 1950s his body was removed from public display and i believe buried.
coolrockboy380 says
Stalin and the Third International claimed to be the continuation of the works and theories of Marx, Engels and Lenin. To make that argument they had to quote Lenin a lot. But they often did so in very selctive ways, and even censored much of Lenin's work in the USSR.
Lenin was a hero of the Russian people because he helped lead the fight to depose a brutal monarch, much the same way George Washington is hero in the US. Stalin coopted his legacy for his own convenience and hid the parts of his legacy that were inconvenient.
chrstnwrtr says
Neither. And yes, he was embalmed after his death.