Question by : Did Stalin start his political career as a community organizer, too?
Stalin got involved in politics as an agitator who organized worker strikes in factories.
Does that qualify as a community organizer?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Insanity Has a Liberal Bias
Stalin was even worse than Hitler based on the number of innocent victims. Hell burns a little hotter in his reserved section.
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Dylan says
Attempting to compare Stalin to Obama again huh?
Stalin’s “humble” beginnings were not very humble, he planned assassinations and several bank robberies that killed a lot of people. Stalin was a very violent and dangerous man.
The Young Stalin was a violent revolutionary, Young Obama was a pot smoking college kid.
BIG difference, its as stupid as trying to compare Hitler to Obama.
Krista says
Interesting that your last question asked why people keep putting obama’s name with Stalin.