Question by Jeff: How did Tchaikovsky die? Did he commit suicide?
How did Tchaikovsky die? Did he commit suicide?
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Answer by Darkbreeze
Such a good musician 🙁
He got cholera because of drinking contaminated water.
Read all the answers in the comments.
What do you think?
wvculturallover says
There is a big question mark about Tchaikovsky's death. Official records report that he died during a cholera epidemic from drinking unboiled water, but unofficial records tell a different tell. Tchaikovsky was a homosexual who was having an affair with a young man whose family held a high position in society and that the Czar had hinted that he die. Supposedly a group of Tchaikovsky's peers came to his house to force him to commit suicide rather than face embarrassment. He was given a poison which he took and killed himself.
It has been stated that if he had cholera, his brother, Modest, would not have kissed his dead body as it lay in the coffin for fear of contracting the disease himself. Other people state that homosexuality was known in Russian society and not so frowned upon that Tchaikovsky would be so embarrassed to the point of killing himself or fear of being imprisoned for it. He was at the height of his popularity having just had success with his Sixth Symphony, The Nutcracker Ballet and the opera Iolanta. He was recognized Internationally and greatly admired in his home country. The Czar would not have hinted that Tchaikovsky should commit suicide to die with honor.
I'm recalling all of this from past articles that I've read, so I may not have all the facts straight but I'm sure you can find both arguments on the internet.
Ricky Ricardo™ says
Nobody knows, but rumors says that he died from colera or really commited suicide