Question by doolindalton13: Did the Spanish Civil War inspire any Classical Composers of the time?
I’ve just discovered Shostakovich, who was inspired by world war II and the soviet union. i am curious to know if there are any such composers for the Spanish Civil War because it was so destructive and in many ways a rehearsal for WWII shortly after
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Answer by Sky H
Don’t think so. Most Spanish composers were either indifferent or even sympathetic with the Nationalist side. A guy by the name of Juan Telleria wrote Cara al Sol (Face the Sun), the Fascist hymn during the war. The most prominent anti-Fascist composer, Manuel de Falla, was forced to emigrate to Argentina, but never wrote anything directly linked to the war. As for the foreign guys, many talked a lot or formed art groups supporting the Republicans, but as far as I know nobody wrote anything worth remembering.
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