Question by Audrey: Did the U.S. know about sputnik beforehand or did we find out about its existence when the USSR launched it?
I’m writing an essay about the space race and this is one detail I am not sure about. HOw did we find out about sputnik?
Answers and Views:
Answer by John H
The Russians released the news and details AFTER the accomplishment. The western governments reacted with surprise and fear. This event spurred the American space program into overdrive.
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What do you think?
pippy505 says
Yes, America did know about Sputnik before it was launched. What we were unsure about was there technological advancements, and ability there to maintain a satellite in low earth orbit. As to how did we find out: 1) both the U.s. and the U.S.S.R. had obtained German rocket engineers after WW2. 2) Our network of spys.
MrV says
Sputnik was a surprise to the US. We knew that the Soviet Union was preparing space exploration but the orbiting of Sputnik shocked the US as the government did not realize how far ahead of the US in the area of space exploration the USSR really was. There was a lot of blame placed on schools, naturally, and there was a national debate about how to teach our students science and math so we could catch up to the Soviets. Our landing on the moon proved who had been ahead all along!!