Question by : did the USSR start with the belief that the Apollo11 was a lie?
what was the reaction of the USSR with the landing of the moon of america?
did the USSR believe that the apollo 11 was a lie at the beginning or later on they though that or they believe them?
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Answer by AndyF
They knew it was true. The US made no secret of their intentions to go to the moon. The USSR also had people feeding them information. Once the launch was made they could monitor it just as well as the US. Radio telemetry and location of signals would have confirmed the landing.
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Fred's in Bed says
No, of course not. They monitored the Apollo mission on radio and radar and knew that it was true.
Don’t you think that the Soviets would have presented the proof and crowed from the rooftops had they even suspected that the Americans faked the landings?
Here is an interview with Alexey Leonov, the first man to perform a space walk, he KNOWS that Armstrong walked on the moon.