Question by : Did the Soviet Union recieve terrorist attacks during the Cold War?
I was wondering if anyone could provide information concerning terrorism in the Cold War.
I am somewhat familiar with the Chechen Wars, but I am more curious to know if the Soviet Union had dealt with any forms of rebellion during the 70s or 80s. The United States currently have homegrown organizations that reject the idea of capitalism, but they are usually small-time. I would like to know if there were organizations that rejected the idea of communism in Soviet Russia.
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Answer by Lib Bane
none that made the news there. Once, a Soviet diplomat was taken hostage in Beirut. The brother of the leader of the kidnappers turned up on the leader’s doorstep with his guts stuffed in his mouth. The diplomat was released shortly afterward.
“In October 1985, Alfa was dispatched to Beirut, Lebanon, when four Soviet diplomats had been taken hostage by a Sunni militant group. By the time Alfa was onsite, one of the hostages had already been killed. The perpetrators and their relatives were identified by supporting KGB operatives, and the relatives were taken hostage. Following the standard policy of ‘no negotiation’, Alfa proceeded to sever some of their hostages’ body parts and sent them to the perpetrators with a warning that more would follow if the Russian hostages were not released immediately. The tactic was a success and no other Russian national was taken hostage in the Middle East for the next 20 years,”
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Timofej Derevtsov says
Terrorist attacks during the Cold War were active practice the USP (in the USSR regularly caught and shot the american diversionist, that does not deny the CIA). So the americans (ie you) have brought up and armed the Taliban (By the way, what’s up in Afghan?).
Plus, the United States of Pindosia conducted the classic acts of terror: demonstration bombing of unwanted, demonstration courts of undesirable, mass torture, concentration camps, the use of civilians of some regions as hostages.
All this are confirmed by the people words of North Korea, Cuba, Libya, Vietnam, Somalia, Argentina and many others.