Question by : Did Leon trotsky ever express remorse over the murder of the Russian royal family?
I seem to recall Trotsky writing (but cannot find the passage) while in exile that one of his largest regrets while in power were convincing Lenin that the entire family needed to be murdered. I don’t necessarily mean Nicholas II, but the entire family, particularly his children.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Spellbound
No he didn’t. For a start the decision was not his, Sverdlov and Lenin decided to have the Imperial Family executed, not Trotsky, and secondly, Trotsky remained, until his dying day, against the system of rank and privilege that the Imperial Family personified.
The only quote I can find that mentions a member of the Imperial Family other than Nicholas II comes from Chapter 4 of his work The History of the Russian Revolution, where he states:
“the intellectual force of the tsarina is not higher, but rather lower than her husband’s. Even more than he, she craves the society of simpletons. The close and long-lasting friendship of the tsar and tsarina with their lady-in-waiting Vyrubova gives a measure of the spiritual stature of this autocratic pair. Vyrubova has described herself as a fool, and this is not modesty. ”
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