Question by Kenan Jamil: Do you think that latest wikileaks on US cables damaged US relation with many allies?
It turns out that cables between US embassies around the world send so many things about US friends and foes. The problem is with US friends and allies. Here some descriptions of world leaders:
1. Angela Merkel(Germany): risk-averse and rarely creative
2. Russia’s Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, meanwhile, is derided as “an alpha dog” who plays Batman to Medvedev’s Robin.
3. Silvio Berlusconi as the “mouthpiece of [Vladimir] Putin” in Europe.
he was also described as womaniser and not fit as modern Euro leader
4. Nicholas Sarkozy of France is “an emperor with no clothes
5. Hamid Karzai (Afghanistan) is “driven by paranoia”.
6. Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is described by one official as being “like Hitler”.
7. North Korea’s dictator Kim Jong-il is called a “flabby old man”.
8. Prince Andrew of GB described as rude or inappropriate behaviour when abroad
From CNN, BBC, Guardian and Independent
Answers and Views:
Answer by Dina W
It makes the Obama State Dept look like a bunch of elitist snobs… no wonder why Obama can never manage to get anything done overseas.
? Sweetie… NO the majority of them are about the Obama administration.
I suggest you read them before you comment any further,
Add your own answer in the comments!
Jay says
Certainly, but they should have been better safe-guarded.
Nat Geo says
No because our allies are doing the same dam things
Phil Mirzoev says
Of course NO. All those politician know all those things about each other.
There was absolutely nothing new for them in the published materials. The only thing they are really concerned about it's about their image in the eyes of their constituencies, and last but not least the possible increase of the responsibility in the future! That is all there is to it. They (politicians) even are ready to cover each other and help each other avoid the problems with their respective nations, and we don't consider those dear friendly cover-ups as treason of national reasons and nations themselves.
Paje says
Makes me more than a bit squeamish. We all knew this info was out there but to advertise it? Not sure what good it could do.
Bacchus says
Its setting the stage for WW3 now that we all hate each other even more
Mr Miyagi wants a ki says
That is the tip of the iceberg, they said they have 100,000 documents some of them so damaging that they have not released them yet – but they will in the future. There is no way for us to know how damaging but all we can take from this is that allies will be careful when sharing info with the states now.
Scooter says
No, but that flop eared moron Obama and his fellow idiots will.
Sandy says
No not really… almost all of what wikileaks is releasing will already be known to the security, political and big business arms of these countries… the public in said countries might get upset for a while though.
? says
No. The US was the one to originally say those things so those leaders already knew. The damage was already done when the US diplomats opened their mouths in 2007.
Dina: The cables were all from 2007. That's Bush era sweety.
Sophie says
No, except maybe Sarkozy.
And Ahmadinejad is nothing like Hitler.
Pluto C. Rat says
If you don't want it read by everyone, don't print it (same as email rules).