Question by Diana: Did Anton Chekhov have any children?
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Answer by Sybaris
No, he didn’t.
Around 1899 he … apparently began his first affair “with Lydia Yavorsky, an actress at Moscow’s Korsh Theater. It is thought that the relationship was not a passionate one, for Chekhov’s views were that unrestrained sexual activity contributed to senility, and he was fastidious and stolid when it came to affairs of the heart. Other women, perhaps attracted by his growing reputation as a playwright, fell in love with him, but he shunned their advances, often using these experiences as grist for his creative mill, much to the women’s chagrin.
In 1900 he became lovers with an actress at the Moscow Art Theater, Olga Knipper, and the two married in 1901, though the union was a distant one, with the couple spending long periods of time apart.”
There’s some extra information in Wikipedia, about his marriage to Olga:
“He lived largely at Yalta, she in Moscow, pursuing her acting career. In 1902, Olga suffered a miscarriage; and Donald Rayfield has offered evidence, based on the couple’s letters, that conception may have occurred when Chekhov and Olga were apart, although Russian scholars have conclusively refuted that claim.”
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