Question by Alexander the great: Is it true that some Americans claim that Yuri Gagarin was not the first man in the space?
is that true? Why not? I hope it has nothing to do with the cold war , US vs USSR.
well here you have some that actually doubt it.
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Answer by Matt
I have never met anyone who knew anything about the history of space flight deny that Gagarin was the first human in space. I don’t know where you would hear something like that.
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brainstorm says
It wouldn't surprise me.
They seem to have their own version of history
ammianus says
There is the "lost cosmonaut" conspiracy theory.
This claims that Gagarin was the first man to survive space flight and land back on Earth successfully and alive. The "lost cosmonaut" theory is that there a number of other manned spaceflights launched by the USSR before Gagarin's flight (perhaps as many as 14), but that these all ended in failure, the space craft exploding, the astronauts dying in space or being dead when their spacecraft landed on return. For political and propaganda reasons (as this all would have taken place during the Cold War) the USSR government covered up all these failures, only going public with the Gagarin mission because he returned alive and well.
So, if any of this were true, Gagarin would not have been the first man in space, only the first man to successfully return alive from space flight.
no says
Are you seriously asking this question, or is it just another fabrication to make Americans look stupid?
I realize that the American Education system has taken a down-turn since the first batch of Vietnam War Draft dodgers got out of teachers' College, but the EXTREMELY Left leaning Teachers Union in the U.S. would NEVER give up a chance to put the information out there that the Capitalist in the U.S. were out-done by the Communists.