Question by Alex: Am I the only one who prefers Russian composers over German composers?
I’ll listen to Tchaikovsky, Borodin, Rachmaninov, and Shostakovich over
Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Schumann, and Brahms
I’m a weird for this way of thinking? Am I a minority in this?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Asker
Probably a minority but of course your not the only one, and weird is an opinion. So whatever floats your boat for classical music should be fine with everybody.
Read all the answers in the comments.
What do you think?
John says
Definitely with you on that one. From Borodin to Prokofiev my music collection has a definite Russian bias. Hats off to Beethoven for (in my opinion) getting the Romantic ball rolling, but once Tchaikovsky starts composing (and with a few exceptions like Mahler) it’s all Russian. Listening to Night on a Bald mountain at the moment- still sounds so fresh it could have been composed yesterday. You can keep Wagner, Schubert, Weber. Not interested.
itsjustme says
I'm actually with you on that!
mozzerella20 says
No you aren't weird at all. Borodin was a bro
i. jones says
There is a lot of good Russian music.
… some of it may have even been composed in spite of liberal doses of vodka.
sunny says
you're not alone on that
I just love the sound of russian music. it feels like it has more to it than the others.
I personally don't really like bach or mozart or schumann.. i feel like a lot of their music is sort of.. one dimentional?
I do love brahms and beethoven though
Wayne T says
I don't like something or not like it just because of who composed it. There are probably things written by all of those composeres that I don't care to listen to.