Question by : I always hear people talk bad about foreign wives, but do you really know about it?
I am married to a very beautiful and very wonderful Russian lady, and before you think it, no she was not a mail order bride. Many years ago, I took a international job and I worked and lived in Russia for 16 months, in a city called Vladivostok. When I was in Russia, I was shocked at these women, they were all very beautiful and very feminine, but at the same time, very hard working, very resilient, and most of all, very traditional. The difference between American women and Russian women is the same as night and day. To a Russian woman, her family comes first, she will take very good care of her husband, her children, and her home. You have to understand, it’s what they believe. I can’t even begin to tell you how great she takes care of me and our home.
My first wife was a American woman and after the divorce I was single for 7 years and during that time, I dated many women. They all were the same, very independent, they always made it clear to me they don’t need a man. Very spoiled, most everything had to be her way and expects the man to do half the house work (if not more), very out spoken, and very stubborn. I’m not saying there is not a American woman with no traditional values, but I am saying, I have never met one.
After we arrived in the USA, my wife was really surprised at the women here. First she was surprised how some looked going out in public, sweat paints, hair up, and no make up, you will never see that in Russia. Then she heard a wife can say her husband raped her, she was shocked by this, my wife says a husband has rights to his wife’s body. In Russia when the husband wants sex from his wife, he just takes it. Also when she arrived here, was the first time in her life she heard of a woman not swallowing during oral sex. She asked me “How does a American women keep a husband?”
I could write many more difference’s, these women are unbelievable. We have been happily married for many years and still going srtong. The men that I hear talking bad about foreign wives, it’s just because you simply don’t know. The women that talked bad about foreign wives, well, I guess you have every reason to.
To Larkspur, it’s been 10 years now, and she still doesn’t like American women. She says American men has let their women get away from them. She grew up during Soviet times, and she still believes in those ways. Is that so difficult for you to understand?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Hard Truth
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What do you think?
Larkspur says
Good for you that you found someone who apparently fits right into your needs.
As a woman, a foreigner (I've only been in the US for 8 years) and a significant other, I think I can tell you that this general opinion you have of wives, russian women in the US and 'foreigners' is askew.
Your wife must not have alot of friends and relatives where you live because each and every one of the russian ladies (born there,living here) I know would call BS on this. Let her go to school, get a job, establish friendships and her own bank account and see how long she has that opinion of American women.
Dragonfly Girl says
What the hell is your question…?
Sorry 'bout your crappy luck with American women. Some guys just don't deserve the good ones. I get the feeling you're just trying to piss people off… have fun with that, you freaking rapist.
bigcharlesl says
who talks about them ? i think you are just hearing things.
Amanda M says
Aww..yay! You found someone who is brainwashed into thinking she is only here to be at the beckon call of her man. HAHAH… sorry if she doesn't know better. Here, in America, we know that we can't depend on a man forever. Even if the love lasts "till death"-what if he goes first? Then what? Here we are, married for 20 years, no work history because we've been home scrubbing floors and barefoot and pregnant in front of the stove and dropping to our knees to swallow your load? I don't think so. I work. I like working and pulling my own weight, so yes, I expect my husband to help around the house. Not asking too much.
Get off your soap box and ask your question.
mrs_G says
I know all about one- my husband's ex wife. She was Korean, he met her when he was stationed there. And let me tell you, the notion of sweet, subservient Asian women is WRONG. She was physically abusive, she took all his money, and she never wanted to spend any. She refused to have sex, too.
So just because you had certain experiences, does not mean you can generalize to support them. That is severely flawed logic.
SG says
so you had to go to another country to get a woman who would put up with your ass is what you're saying right?????…..
HangingChad says
Yes, I do know about it. Some American women are like that too.