Question by Shelby: have you ever read Anna Karanina By Tolstoy?I am 25 and do you think it is too late to read world classics?
have you ever read Anna Karanina By Tolstoy?I am 25 and do you think it is too late to read world classics?I am reading it now and it is so boring and I do not understand the topic exactly…Do you think same?
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Answer by MedusaCascade
it’s never too late to start reading. Classics aren’t like action movies, they take time.
Read all the answers in the comments.
What do you think?
MIlwaukee Phil says
I finished the book about three months ago and I am now reading War and Peace. I don't think that you are ever too old or young to appreacate art.
It is a great book.
yogiraj says
Yes. You seem to be contradicting yourself.25 too late to start and now boring. Classics are meant to be read again and again in sharp contrast to novels which are read & forgotten.
marqueen71 says
It is never too late to read the classics! Here are two links to some others.……
kankarnearnas says
It will eventually enrich your life. You can always get cliff notes to help you see the themes. You can even draw a flowchart with each character with their activities. You can draw a time-line. It's a great skill to develop.
Generalist says
G Is it ever too late to expand ones horizons. As you accelerate into the 30s, 40s, 50s, you become ever more dependent on the ability to conduct meaningful dialogs. Good literature is indispensable.
winter_girl says
i haven't read "anna karinina" but i can understand what you're saying. i'm 33 and have started reading bronte and austen. some of it i find really hard to get into, usually i have to get into it to read it. and then the way it's written is so different, the wording is very much from that time and i sometimes have to read a paragraph twice to make sure what it said.
i don't think it's to late, i just think it takes more time. if we were still in the jr. high/high school english class frame of mind it would probably be easier, lol.
Daisy says
Yes I have and many more classics.
No 25 is not too late 80 would not be too late READ!