Question by The_Wraith_of_God_is_Coming: Do you think the Georgian incident involving Russia was a training exercise?
Do you think Russia is gearing up for War?
If so who are their logical targets?
What will Russia do with all of Europe’s oil?
Answers and Views:
Answer by rukidding
Hmmm..I hadn’t thought of that. I think Russia just wants Georgia back and perhaps to reunite the Soviet Union.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
foreign eyes says
"Nations do not invade nations in the 21st century"
We should worry about McCain as he may have started WWIII
watch this
Mephisto says
It was only a test. It was a live training exercise on an enemy that has some serious fire power – or so I thought.
No, it only mobilized less then half of what we mobilized in both gulf wars.
Their targets are as logical as US targets – improving economies that can afford oil – like US.
As for the energy market –
Corner it like US did.
Price it like OPEC does.
Sell it like US does.
Kristian B says
We're just gonna have to wait and see. Let's not jump to conclusions yet, because remember Georgia started all this in the first place. After Georgia struck South Ossetia, Russia was like: "Oh so you wanna fuck with big daddy? We're gonna rape you in the butt and then make you ours." So then Russia did exactly that, only they didn't make Georgia there's because we ordered a Cease Fire.
So Georgia was asking for it in the first place. Who knows though, we'll see what Russia really wants to do in the next couple of days, or weeks, or months… Lol
mkimkilop says
Probly the rest of Europe they wanted to see what the west would do if they were to attack other countries and they seen what they wanted to see we won't do anything I think that Ukrain and Poland could be next….