Question by : Does anyone know any videos explaining why Stalin was a good leader?
Please don’t tell me things like “he was far from a good leader”. I’m much aware of the amount of people he killed and how cruel he was but it’s not answering my question, I need to explain in an assignment the good things Stalin did.
And don’t say he didn’t do anything good. He did.
(No propaganda videos please lol)
Thank you for that but I’m actually looking for some videos 😀
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Answer by Go AZ
He was a good leader in the same way that Mao was good – he revitalized the entire country, modernizing it in the social, medical, and educational ares, and reshaping it into a Communist country.
After WWII, he pursued an aggressive postwar course in foreign relations that constituted a central element in the unleashing of the “Cold War”.
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while some people do not have a good view of Wiki – I find that it may give you an overview, to have you look in directions you might not have thought of.
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weirdo says
Yes. The YouTube user, who now has his own website, made a video about why he picked the username “JosefVStalin.” It’s 10 minutes long and is very interesting to listen to.