Question by Dennis M: Anyone miss USSR Soviet Union?
I am a journalist looking to interview anyone who has fond memories of living in the Soviet Union? Thanks.
Answers and Views:
Answer by zorro1701e
I never lived there, but i do have fond memories. I miss having them as an adversary to us. They were a good “bad” guy. Tough,solid. They had armies, not terrorists. With them you knew where the enemy was.
Answer by hi
You should interview Putin.
Answer by Nikita
I certainly have good memories of living in USSR. It was collapsed when I was 13. I wouldn’t like to live in the Soviet Union now though.
Answer by Dima G
Some things were great back in USSR and some things were not. Education was free, health care was free, most of the children were busy doing something positive (sports, free time classes) People could plan their lives up to retirement. Benefits. There are some bad things, but I will not name them 🙂
Answer by Alex K
Yeah, I lived in the USSR for 14 years and I’d say, that you should look for somebody with 50+ years and who wasn’t first wave of immigration in the US, means somebody’s father/mother who came here following son/daughter. Those people can be helpful for you = they’re objective about how the life was at that time.
As for now, all of people, who has responded to your post (incl. myself)- they definitely didn’t live in 70’s or 60’s. However, if you want to know a lot about Perestroyka or about childhood in the USSR- we can help you too.
Answer by Helen K
maybe this site isn’t enough for a interview…
Answer by Cossak
I have been living in the Soviet Russia since 1989 to Dec 1991,then i woke up in another country,in the most bad russian days which happened since 17 century,but i have nastolgy about 1960-th,i like soviet movies,songs,but i’m not commie…its like if you go to bed and see flag of the USA in next street corner,but in next morning you wake up and there already just state flag and you live in independent Texas with out other states where your nativites or other connections.
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grandmum says
So what there were some really good things in USSR.
If you look really hard, you’ll find some good thing even in the concentration camps.
But nobody will say they were any good.
So people please, stop being nostalgic and looking in the past with moisture in your eyes.
USSR was a living hell for everybody with brains, proud heart, unbroken back and the vision of freedom.
The children in North Korea do still have all this “so called goodies”, but would you exchange your life for theirs??
I don’t think so.
I personally miss the USSR as a knife in my kidney.
Esperanza BY says
You see, I am too young and have never lived here, but nowadays it is so difficult to believe that it was true, that it was a real country, that ppl believed in happy future…
I think our parents miss it, life was more quiet than nowadays…
Mimi says
A lot of 50+ people miss USSR –
The thing that they miss the most – sense of security/social guaranties,
which are not available too much right now in post-soviet countries.
Selena says
I have some good friends from Uzbekistan who told me a lot about their lives there. They say that they preferred living in the USSR. They now look upon Russia and admire how much progress that country has made in comparison to theirs. They send their kids to a private Russian school as they reckon the quality of education is better there. They told me that during the Soviet era they were treated with respect but that is no longer the case now. They just don’t trust their government at all nowadays. They felt more free during the Soviet regime. They weren’t too scared about their future then but are now. They don’t believe in capitalism. I think they kept on living their lives according to the old ways, but if that is so, I think, even I would support such a life as the warmth I get from them entering their house and sharing their meals is unrivaled. In the USSR nobody was rich but everybody had enough to eat. The wealth of that period in time was not money but time and relationships. I would gladly give up my money for such a life.
leluuu says
No i dont miss that time, though i do not remember much about Soviet Era, but i know people who told me what was good and what was bad in that system, whatever it was i think no1 would like to live in Soviet Union in 21st century.
well one of the guys said Putin, thats the answer i guess and Jirinovski and maybe some other Russian officials dream about regaining the power and rebuilding the new Soviet Union.
Skimboarder says
I moved from Russia to U.S 8 years ago. But remember everything clearly. I was 10 years old back then. My grandparents still live over there, there 60 years old. They have told me many things about USSR. There was good things about communism & bad things.
For example my favorite things were..All the sports programs, during summer majority of kids have left the cities for summer camps. So during summer u would see fewer kids out in the streets. Russian schools thought u a lot.
About jobs.
For Adults there has been a lot of opportunities in finding jobs. A lot of great factories were open, ppl were busy everyday. Life was still harsh but at least ppl had money to live of off. Military program was excellent back then, u were well respected if u were in military. Ppl didn’t have to many choices in stuff that they bought but its alright..I can live with that.
After Soviet Union collapsed.
Russia just changed so fast. I remember back in 1997 we had a lot of riots in Moscow. Factories have gone out of business, store were running out of food, government has stolen a lot of money. Mafia took over, especially after everyone was released from jails. Ppl that got out of jail have joined ” DUMA” its a Russia parliament. All ppl that spoke the truth, have been quickly assassinated, put in jail or just moved out of Russia.
I remember back in 1999 I believe, there was a T.V host who spoke the truth always, & a lot of Russian ppl have been watching his news, kinda like Larry King. He told about how the criminals have changed this country & how the ppl in the government are corrupted. After 3 years of being on T.V, his been assassinated in his apartment complex. I remember its being a great tragedy. My grandparents have cried I still remember.
Russia has a Rich History, its not like Mexico or the South American countries. Russia has fought many wars, Russian ppl have gained a lot of land. But in the End Russia has collapsed.
Now days on T.V u hear that Moscow is the most expensive city in the world, which is true. Majority of the money goes to Mafia, not to the workers or its citizens.
I hope Russians will start a revolution someday & fix it.