Question by Cheech: Vodka?????
Does drinking vodka straight give you more of a buzz then mixing it?
Has any tried Red Bull and vodka? would yuo recomend it
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Answer by Dane
Vodka straight will intoxicate you quickly and throughly.
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bortakmeki says
Red bull and vodka, Ok, i drank this for quite a while as a session drink, what happens is you get very very drunk, but the mind doesnt slow down, so head says party, and body says sleep. the 2 main ingerediants in red bull causing the problem are obviously the caffeine as a few have mentioned, but also taurine, (in spanish, Taurina) this is apparently a brain activant, according to the boffins at redbull. As a result, the very high sugar and chemical content of the drink, does make you feel really crap the next day.
If you want a drink that will make you laugh, take champagne, (or cava) and pour in a little raspberry liquer (frambuesa) Highly amusing!
fojimo says
a tasty combo but i wouldn't suggest more than one. the label on redbull says not to mix with alcohol
Love4thedrink says
Can someone who's level 2 pls give the above spammer a thumbs down that he may dissappear. Regardless of his viewpoint it is very rude to post completely out of topic just to advertise ones beliefs. Like as if you're the only one in this world with a belief. To have a belief is one thing. To push them is another. I came in here to read about alcoholic beverages not circumcision.
dukalink6000 says
No one recommends red Bull and Vodka
Doctors and nutritionists have warned of the dangers of mixing caffeine and alcohol in excessive quantities
Jonathan R says
To answer your first question, drinking any alcohol straight and warm gets it into the bloodstream and metabolized the fastest (gets you buzzed fastest). Drinking it chilled slows down the metabolization process slightly, and if you mix it, the mixer sill act as a bit of a buffer even if you use the same quantity of vodka that you would have taken straight.
As for using energy drinks as mixers, some of my friends say that they really like using them. I have, however, heard from credible medical sources that the caffeine and other active ingredients in the energy drinks can fool you by making you feel less drunk than you really are. Basically, if you are planning to mix energy drinks, DO NOT plan to drive yourself home. Other than that, knock yourself out. As for the hangover part Joshua S mentioned, I can't speak to that as I am one of the people who are apparently immune to hangovers. You'll have to try it and see for yourself.
My thoughts are as long as you do so responsibly, go ahead and get as smashed as you want.
Henry W says
some even buy alcohol and drink it, won't you try to mix it with vodka? oh, buy the alcohol for industrial purpose
nauticanadian says
Actually, if you mix vodka (or any other liquor) with anything carbonated, it will get you feeling buzzed faster. I recommend "backwards" vodka tonics – 2 shots vodka, 1 oz. tonic. Red Bull and vodka is great if you plan on staying up all night, but I'm a purist – vodka (especially Grey Goose) is just dandy all on its own.
Chuck S says
1 med to tall glass of _straight vodka_ over 1/3 glass of ice will give you a Turbo Charged buzz. If it doesn't "feel like it" right away, just wait 30-45 min. Then you'll believe me!
xenypoo says
No, you just get drunk faster drinking Vodka straight, because there's nothing else going into your system but the Vodka, even with a chaser, which you just take a sip of. Mixed drinks are what give you the hangover's because they're so full of sugar. I have not tried Red Bull, and Vodka, but I detest beer. A good chaser for Vodka, is a sip of water, or Gatorade, to keep from dehydration, milk to cut any bite, and keep the nutrients in you that the alcohol takes out of your body, or sometimes I chase with diet 7-Up, like now, because it cuts the bite and sooth's the tongue, and I always take Vitamin supplements like Potassium, and B1, or a multvitamin. Your hangover's IF you get one will be small, but I almost never get a hangover because I know what to do when drinking. Ive drunk Vodka for many years, it's the best.
mpoundit says
Vodka and red bull would definitely give you a buzz. You can drink that if you want to be real alert and not sleep for a night or so.
SuzAruWRX says
vodka straight up makes you more drunk.
dont drink and drive.
Joshua S says
If you drink the vodka straight (chilled) than you will get drunk faster. But if you mix it it will go down smother. Bottom line 3 oz of vodka is 3oz of vodka no matter how youi mix it. It gets you thye same place but high sugar mixers give you a worse hangover
radiancia says
Yeah its really good, but that depends on how much you like the taste of red bull to begin with though.
Tiffany O says
Yes you get more of a buzz drinking it'd have a hyper
gladshe8or says
Good stuff amigo! So is vodka and gatoraide