Question by Tom S: Does Russia and China pose a bigger threat to America than Iraq or Afghanistan?
Russia and China are both building up their arsenel and military might. A new cold war might resurface between Russia and America. China is destined to become the next superpower and might overtake America in the next few decades. And China doesn’t always “play nice”.
Are these two superpowers a bigger threat than Afghanistan and their Taliban, or the Sunnies and Kurds in Iraq? Does America have its priorities mixed up at this point.
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Answer by lilbigbadpaupau
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Craig C says
China and America cannot operate without each other, their economies RELY on each others, so the survival of both are paramount to each other. IF a cold war EVER resurfaced then China would face a choice of who Is the most important, and I bet my bottom dollar that they choose the US, these militaries combined would destroy Russia within months if not weeks.
Mr Kobayashi says
I have a newsflash. Afghanistan & Iraq do not, and have never posed a threat to the USA. The biggest threat to the USA is the gullibility & stupidity of its people
Jack H says
Yes, something else for you lot to be afraid of. LOL.
Veng Ience says
y do u think usa is sucking up to china?
capt. scurvy says
any arab is a threat to everyone. women and children killers. the middle east is far more dangerous.