Question by K2010: What is Russia’s role in Arab revolutions?
Looks like it “bets on non winning horses” lately.
Is it Ministry of foreign affairs, and its head Sergei Lavrov loosing ground?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Lindy Oenly
mostly as translators
Answer by Bachmann Palin Overdrive
Russia is simply a player today, not nearly as strong as in the past though.
I doubt that the Russians can be blamed for starting any revolution.
In fact, I believe the Russian government of today couldn’t careless who is in charge of any country.
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wetwillie says
they are arming and selling technology to freedom fighters and the dictators, Russia has plenty of oil, and they love the havoc it causes here and in europe. they are helping the iranians build their nuclear reactors, and probably showing them how to enrich uranium. if not them then north korea is open for business. that’s the only reason the u.s. and israel haven’t taken the reactors out is they don’t want to kill and antagonize russia. as soon as they are up and ready, then they’ll take them out, especially Israel.
oohhbother says
In the UN, they’ve been working against actions to charge the dictators with war crimes for their massive killings of civilians.
They have taken no actions to assist the revolutions.
John W says
To side with the winners so they can get their oil