Every year thousands of Russian Christians take an icy plunge to celebrate the Orthodox Epiphany. Last January about 60,000 people have dived into freezing Moscow waters with outside temperature reaching – 15 C (32 F). A festive liturgy was conducted in the Moscow Cathedral by the head of the Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill. (Photo Credit: hegtor/Flickr)
The Epiphany is celebrated in Russia on January 19th according to Julian calendar. In the Orthodox Church this holiday marks the baptism of Jesus by Prophet John the Baptist. Russians believe that on the Epiphany day water becomes holy and acquires divine powers.
All across Russia large holes are made in the lakes’ and rivers’ ice, sometimes in the shape of the cross, where Russian Christians bathe in the freezing water. Usually they cross themselves and dip thrice under the water to honor the Holy Trinity and to wash away their sins.
Orthodox priests are often present to bless the water. In places where a lot of people gather to take the Orthodox Epiphany bath local authorities provide security and medical assistance.
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