Question by iggins: Evgeni Vakhtangov in technical theatre?
in my stagecraft class we are supposed to research vakhtangov. who was he and what did he do? well the thing is i already know that he was stanislavski’s best student and the most prominent teacher of the stanislavski system. he was the founder of the vakhtangov theatre in russia. all of that is true but my teacher says that he is looking for his involvement in technical theatre. did he do anything tech-wise?
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CLAiRee says
skatergirl1rocks (8:15:31 PM): apparently if you copy paste this to ten people in the next ten minutes you will have the best day of your life tomorrow you will either get a kiss or be asked out but if you break this chain u will see a little dead girl in your room…TONIGHT In 53 mins sumone will say "i love you"…"im sorry baby"…or "i wanna go out with you" now send this to 10 pp and see what sumone says to u