Question by Lastname, Michael Lastname™: How come most famous “russians” arent ethnic russians?
If ethnic russians make up 80% of the russian populayion, how come most celebrities from russian and ukraine arent ethnic russians? such as Pushkin, mila kunis, kino.etc? I cant name 1 ethnic russian who is famous outside of russia.
Answers and Views:
Answer by CellarDoor
“I cant name 1 ethnic russian who is famous outside of russia.”
Of course you can’t, my dear troll friend. You know next to nothing about Russia 🙂
Answer by DMAN385
Do you know the definition of ethnic? Haha..all those words but no sense.
Read all the answers in the comments.
What do you think?
Jogitta says
Ethnic Russians who are famous within Russia and those who are famous abroad are different things.
The reason is that among immigrants from Russia/USSR to the USA ethnic Russians are a minority (about 15-20%). Emigrants are mostly Jews, some Ukrainians (they often migrated to Canada) etc.
In Russia itself most famous people were/are ethnic Russians or mixed Russians/someone else like Pushkin for example. To name international “stars”: group t.A.T.u. Both singers: Yulia Volkova and Lena Katina are ethnic Russians.
I Don't Eat Vodka says
“I cant name 1 ethnic russian who is famous outside of russia.”
Ethnic Russians did not immigrate out of Russia before 1990. Pushkin is 87.5% Russian. If that is not Russian then I am Ukrainian born and bred as I am 12.5% Ukrainian and have been to Poland once (not quite Ukraine but close enough). Mila Kunis is a Ukrainian jew. She is thus not a Russian as she is Ukrainian by citizenship and jewish by ethnicity.
polynesian says
How come most famous “americans” arent ethnic americans?
Michael, your ignorant troll…
Wave2012 says
I doubt most of Russians know who Mila Kunis is at all and what relation she has to Russia (may be in Ukraince situation is different since she was born there, i don’t know).
1. Ethnic Russians and Ukrainians had never had right to immigrate to USA in such a big scales as people of certain ethnicities (I do not complain, just a fact). That is why Russian-speaking migrants from Russia who achieved something significant in USA are mostly not ethnic Russians and Ukrainians. Just because proportion is not in their favour.
2. It is hard to become world pop-star (in any area) when person writes/speaks/sings in Russian just because most of people abroad Russia do not understand what he/she speaks about. Let’s say someone sings deep and fascinating songs where meaning of the words is the very importaint part of performance. Will such a person be popular outside Russia? No, because nobody understands anything. The only exclusion is when there is other equally talented English-speaking person who can translate without loosing style etc… It is why Pushkin is not very popular outside Russian-speaking world – just because nobody talented enough translated his poems, saving rythm, style, and beauty of his language.
3. There is huge Russian-speaking society in the world. Person who is popular among Russian-speakers (it is not only ex-USSR, but many other countries including Russian-speaking community in USA, for example) usually earn enough money to live the most luxury life anywhere in the world. There is no real need to expand outside Russian-speaking society.
4. Who wants to share their profits? American music/movie industry? (it is not about USA as a country, just they happen to be the most powerful industry in the world) No. Do they want to send their possible money to Russia? No.
As for Pushkin, I believe you speak Russian (may be not the best, but still speak). Learn it deeper and try to read his poems in original. May be you will find answers for many of your questions. Can someone who was not raised on Russian folclore and among Russian nature to describe Russian spirit so clear?
Там русский дух, там Русью пахнет – it is words from one of his poems and they describe his poetry too just excellent.
And somehow your question is against your previous questions when you blamed us in racism. Now according to your question we adore only non-Russians/Ukrainian celebrities. Do racist act this way?
a polish guy says
Because you have small genitals and you’ll never get laid.
Anemona says
of course you can’t! loll lol lol judging by your ignorant questions lol lol
are you from Antarctic boy ?
Cossak says
Hmmm,there a lot of famous ethnic russians and ethnic ukrainians. I’ll not even name them,cos its a silly question 😉 I think the most famous russian in the USA is Sikorsky and Baryshnikov. The last one even filmed in “Sex and the city”, dated there with a horse-woman,minotaur Sarah.
I bet you’ve heard about Fyodor Yemelianenko? So hes ethnic ukrainian. I bet i don’t need to tell you whos Klichko.