Question by Kolobok: Favorite Russian snacks/treats for kids? Suggestions?
I am originally from Russia, but have lived here for quite a long time. My son is in preschool now and the teachers asked us (parents) to bring snacks/ treats for kids, that are somewhat special (and healthy). Of course, they asked me to bring something Russian, and for some reason I can’t think of anything right now. Do you have any suggestions? It needs to be something easy to make (consider that I have a very limited time when I get home after work), healthy, suitable for 4-5 year olds. It shouldn’t contain any nuts (some kids have allergies)… Any reasonable suggestion would be greatly appreciated! (oliv’e, seledka pod shuboy, pirozhki – are not an option. Just kidding 🙂
Curd snack -sladkij syrok? Great idea! I will think about it. Anything else?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Dmitry
May be Curd snack?
Read all the answers in the comments.
What do you think?
Veronika says
olevyei, and piroghkee sound good to me! yum!
Natalya B says
if you have somewhere Russian shop, maybe just to buy something there! =) or do u cake before – Pirog.
knyazhna says
Maybe blinchiki. Or you can try borsh or podliva. Tyebe pomoglo eta?
Desert Rose says
Russian Russian snack?
Curd snack is a variant…Those tvorozhnie syrki?
But if not obligatory Russian, I would suggest fruits/fruit salad, healthy and easy to make.
Pancakes are not really healthy, but kids usually love them.
I read the answers below… Borsch to school?????